Crop Insurance

Crop Insurance is specifically designed to offer maximum cover for Australian farms of various sizes and types. So whether crop farming is your chosen profession or just a hobby we can offer the following tailored policies:

  • Crop Insurance
  • Wine Grape Growers Insurance
  • Cotton Insurance 
  • Seasonal Insurance 

Crop policies provide cover against major perils such as hail and fire. It also covers your crop against damage resulting from chemical overspray or straying livestock. It covers your harvested crop both on your farm and in transit.  

This product provides can cover for the following:

Straying livestock & crop overspray.

Agreed crop value.
Extra harvest allowance.
Harvested seed is covered both at the property and in transit.
Protection from first emergence through to delivery.
Deferred payment of premium until after the harvest.

Extra harvest allowance

For losses in excess of 70% of sum insured CGU will pay you more than the physical loss, up to 100% of the sum insured. For more information refer to brochure

All of your major crops can be insured under this cover.

For more information or a quote on this product please contact us.

 Harlock Group of Companies.
 Harlocks Pty. Limited  ABN 78 008 552 010. 
 Harlock Investment Services Pty Ltd  ABN 86 008 542 390.
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